New board
We are happy to announce that we have formed a new Evolucio board for 2019! The new board will be formed by President Līza L. (Class of 2015), Vice-President Edward van der Hout (Class of 2017), and Past-President Felipe van de Kerkhof (Class of 2016). This means that from 1 January 2019 the Evolucio board is once again complete and ready to go full steam ahead to guard the relationship between alumni and the staff, students and happenings at LUC.
Liza is excited and looking forward to “help putting on more events that will bring alumni, students and the LUC community together.” An important focus of her year will be to see how to develop the ‘career’ aspect for the alumni of LUC.
Edward is happy to reconnect to the LUC community, which has always felt like a family. It is that unique sense of community that he wants further to develop during his presidency in 2020.
For the third and final member of the board, Felipe, it is time to evaluate his time with Evolucio after helping to revive it in 2017. He’s content with the incoming board and “excited to have some new energy and people that will undoubtedly help Evolucio grow in the future.” He adds, “but the LUC community is still not rid of me, I am happy to help Evolucio grow in the future – but in a different role.”
From 2019 on, every year there will be one position available on the Evolucio board. LUC alumni are invited to apply with an idea and motivation that they want to change within LUC to improve life for the students and alumni alike.