Inspire the Students (25th through 28th of September)
Each session will be hosted online and will have the opportunity to reconnect with your fellow alumni and ask questions. More information and how to register can be found online. Make sure to mark your agenda on September 25, 26, 27 and 28 for Inspire the Students.
The Big LUC Students & Alumni Pubquiz (26th of September, 21:00-22:30+ CEST)
As part of the Lustrum Week, Evolucio would like to announce the first Evolucio Pub quiz! Featuring trivia questions about LUC & Fortuna, Global Challenges, Pop Culture and more, this is an event you do not want to miss! The event is open to both current students & alumni, and will be fully online through the video platform Kaltura, so bring your own drinks and dress unfashionably in your new or old LUC hoodie, tee, or tie. The winning team will be awarded eternal glory, the title of Evolucio Pub quiz Masters and a mystery prize.
Sign up now with five to build your super own super team, or sign up with less than five and let us group you in a “gezellig” team with other students or alumni!
Sign up here (until September 23rd):
Note: a mistake was made in the Alumni newsletter. The correct date for the event is Saturday the 26th of September.
- Inspire the Students: https://www.facebook.com/events/1041604596271121
- Pub Quiz: https://www.facebook.com/events/344281533325085
If you can’t access these events, join the Evolucio Facebook Community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/EvoluciAlumni