Save the date: joined Reunion on October 1st!

Every year, Evolucio organizes a Lustrum reunion for the LUC cohort that graduated 5 years prior. The Covid-19 restrictions meant that part of the celebrations for the class of ’15, ’16 and ’17 only took place online, or did not even take place at all.

Evolucio would like to make up for it this year with a joined reunion in The Hague. More information about tickets, schedules and venues is to follow soon. However, we couldn’t wait to share the date with you, however, as we hope many of you will join us in The Hague on October 1st!

The reunion will take place in the week of the Dies Natalis, and we are hoping to add some smaller offline and online events in the week following the reunion to involve fellow alumni abroad.

Please sign up with your e-mail here and you will be the first to know the details!

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